The Button Law Firm Celebrates a Milestone
In January of 2022, The Button Law Firm hit a major milestone: We’ve officially been in business for seven years! Can you believe it? When our momentous anniversary arrived, I sat down to reflect on the journey and came up with seven lessons I’ve learned — one for each year. If you’re an entrepreneur or manager, feel free to steal these takeaways for your team.
1. Aim to set a personal record (PR) every day. The phrase “life is a marathon, not a sprint” is dead wrong in business. Each day of operating BLF has been a sprint to overcome the previous day’s personal best. That mentality helps us stay focused and avoid complacency.
2. Treat every project as its own mountain. When we take on a new case, we don’t assume our past experience has given us a leg up. We always start from the bottom. This allows us to continually adjust our systems and processes instead of getting stuck in the way we’ve always done things.
3. Evolve every 18 months. The Button Law Firm is constantly innovating and developing, but we hit a new phase of our evolution every 18 months. Going forward, I’ll keep pushing for that timeline.
4. Autopsy everything. When an obstacle pops up, we always document how we overcame it and build out processes and systems based on what worked and what didn’t. That helps us overcome future obstacles more quickly and efficiently.
5. Don’t be afraid to reshuffle your team. It’s a gamechanger to have all of your team members in the right seats, with responsibilities that reflect their strengths. Experimenting with this was key to our 18-month evolution.
6. Live by the 40% Rule. Retired Navy SEAL and Endurance Athlete David Goggins says when you feel like giving up, you’re only giving 40% of your true potential. Living by this rule helps us tap into new reserves of strength during tough cases.
7. Strive to be uncomfortable. The more you challenge yourself to succeed in unforgettable situations, the more you’ll grow.
Ultimately, running a business is like climbing a mountain over and over again. Every time you reach the top, you discover you can push yourself farther. I can’t wait to see what I learn in year eight.