Over the years, our firm has loved giving back to community leaders - in fact, we've endorsed several different education and back-to-school programs. We have great memories of supporting one specific back-to-school event for a community leader named Marcus. Marcus is such a hardworking and caring individual - he gives everything he has to help his community, and when we saw that, we wanted to help him in any way we could. That's why the Button Law Firm donated BLF gear along with school supplies for families in need. It was a big success.
After the event, our team developed a great relationship with Marcus. He handed out our cards to members of his community and loved receiving our monthly newsletter, Hot Button Issues. But several years later, we received a call from Marcus - one we don't like to get.
The Moments Before a Major Wreck in Texas
In June of 2019, our client, Marcus, was t-boned by a driver that failed to stop at an intersection. The other driver slammed their vehicle into the driver's side door of Marcus' car. The impact of the crash was so severe that it ruptured Marcus' patella tendon and required extensive knee reconstruction surgery. The surgery was invasive and left him bedridden for several weeks. Even afterward, he used crutches to help him get around. It was a long slow process to get Marcus back on his feet.
Additionally, while he was recovering, our client was out of work for over six months and was put on disability during that time. Since he lived alone, he needed a lot of help. Thankfully, we knew what we could do to help him throughout this process.
Our Experienced Car Accident Attorneys Got to Work
After the car wreck, Marcus knew exactly who he would call - the Button Law Firm. He wanted us to jump in immediately to handle everything for him, so he could focus on getting his life back together and moving forward.
The very first thing we did was guide him to resolve his property damage claim quickly and easily.
Then, we made sure our client was set up for appointments with specialty doctors to ensure he was getting the right treatment for his injuries. Helping him with his medical care allowed him to have peace of mind that he was getting the help he really needed, as he needed major knee surgery and was filing it through the worker's compensation program in Texas, which can get complicated. With our guidance, Marcus was able to work through it with total peace of mind.
After he began to recover from his surgery, we helped Marcus get into a good physical therapy program. Each week we touched base with our client to learn what he was going through so we could convey the amount of help needed to recover from that injury to the other driver's insurance company.
Cutting Edge Demands
When Marcus finished treatment, we had his demand package, which detailed the difficult processes and expenses that recovery involved, ready to be sent to the insurance company. The entire team worked on the demand so that when we submitted it to the insurance company, they were able to see that this was a life-changing car wreck. During negotiations with the other driver's car insurance company, we did not back down. We kept the pressure on them. After weeks of tedious back and forth, we had a resolution wrapped up.
In the end, all of his medical bills were entirely taken care of, and he also received enough money to get back on his feet so that he can keep his life moving forward. Even though he had a life-altering injury, we were able to give him closure on this difficult chapter in his life.
We are always thankful when our BLF community makes us their first call. We want to help when we are needed. We hope that none of our BLF community gets involved in catastrophic car or truck wrecks, but when they do, we have the team and resources to act quickly.
More Helpful Information
To find more comprehensive guidance on navigating the aftermath of a car wreck, explore these articles. They cover essential topics such as dealing with insurance claims, understanding legal procedures, and managing medical concerns, providing helpful tips you may need during this challenging time.