How Common Are Allergies at Daycares?
Did you know that, on average, every single daycare classroom in the U.S. has at least two children with food allergies? That means at any moment, one of those kids could suffer from hives, nausea, anaphylactic shock, or another scary reaction at snack time. If your child has food allergies, you know just how dangerous these reactions are.
Everyday foods like peanuts, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, shellfish, tree nuts, and sesame can be deadly! So, how can you protect your child when they’re not at home? HOW TO CHOOSE AN ALLERGY-SAFE DAYCARE According to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), over 60% of allergic reactions in schools happen in daycare and preschool facilities.
Steps Responsible Daycares Should Take to Prevent Allergic Reactions
That’s why it’s incredibly important to choose an allergy-safe daycare. Responsible daycares should:
1. Ask for a physician-completed form that outlines your child’s allergies.
2. Ask your permission before introducing your child to new foods.
3. Notify you if another kid in your child’s class has a serious allergy so you can avoid packing a lunch or snack with their allergen.
4. Label and store food properly to avoid cross-contamination with allergens.
5. Properly train its staff to respond to allergic reactions.
6. Have written policies and procedures surrounding allergic reactions. (In Texas, daycares must have emergency plans for every child with doctor-diagnosed food allergies.)
Check all six of those requirements before enrolling your child in a new daycare.
What to Do After an Allergic Reaction
If your child experiences an allergic reaction at daycare because of a sloppy or neglectful caregiver, get them medical help immediately. Then, report the incident to the state, document what happened, and call our team of experienced daycare lawyers for help at 214-699-4409. We regularly step up to fight for kids seriously injured, traumatized, or killed by allergic reactions at daycare, and we’ll do the same for you.
Contacting The Button Law Firm With More Daycare Allergy Questions
If you have a client, friend, or family member whose young child has serious allergies, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team. We’re here to help parents as they navigate daycare and the steps to take after incidents, and the more parents know about preventing and reacting to allergy attacks at daycare, the better!