Russell Button in hallway at The Button Law FirmYesterday, I was driving in an Uber to my hotel in Atlanta. I am preparing to speak to a group of trial lawyers. My flight was delayed for over an hour. Then, because of the rain storms in Atlanta, we circled up in the air for another 30 minutes. It was a full flight. 

I get out to the curb to get my Uber, and it is raining with tons of traffic. Just a complete madhouse. I find my driver and jump in. What happened next was simply amazing...

Positivity Always Wins 

When I got in the car, Marcus was his name. He immediately had a charming but not overwhelming conversation. He was energized about the day, even though it was pouring, traffic was bad, and he was dealing with it all. So, I began to push to see if we could find some negativity where he would let his guard down.

He tells me he had just been downtown with the passenger before me. Traffic was so bad, they had to exit and take backstreets. But have no fear, we will find a way to get you to your hotel the quickest. As we drove a bit further here is what he said:

Today, Is Thankful Thursday!

I just want you to think about that for a moment. Thankful Thursday. How much better can you get than that? If you read any personal development books, you know that gratitude is one of the foremost ways to feel immensely better. Give to others and you feel good. It is that simple. What it did though is make me start thinking about all the things I was thankful for, and it wasn't even Thanksgiving.

I Want More!

I began to ask him for more. I wanted to know what he called every day. So, here is the week we came up with in the car. Take notes, print this page off, but this is great stuff to help lift your spirits and make the most of each day.

Marvelous Monday

Terrific Tuesday

Wonderful Wednesday

Thankful Thursday

Fantastic Friday

Super Saturday

Super Fantastic Sunday 

We Struggled A Bit On Sunday

I'll be honest, Sunday was tough. The reason he came up with Super Fantastic Sunday is it was a combination of Friday and Saturday. It is the culmination of the entire week. It is the day before you start another week. It is a day you can spend with your family and friends. 

I challenge each of you to come up with a name for the day but make it positive. The thinking of a day as a positive day, no matter what goes on, is important. It puts you in the mindset to succeed and beat expectations. It helps you get up after you've fallen down. Mindset allows you to push when others stop.

I could go on and on, but if you learn from the most successful people, their mindsets are everything to them. They do not always have the most talent. They have the mindset to succeed. Everything else falls in line after that.

Today Is Your Day

Today is the day that you have to live. Be in the moment and make it the best you can. Always think to yourself about how you can take another step toward betterment in your life. Trust me, in the end, you will add up all these steps and see an amazing journey.

Why Did I Write This?

One, it was such a profound experience being in that Uber, I couldn't let it go to waste. Two, I see clients that have been hurt, permanently injured, mentally tortured, and suffering beyond imagine. This is the reality some are left with when others have chosen to put their profits over safety and violate safety rules. The victims are left dealing with the consequences. This is where we come in. We take that pain and struggle and turn it into the greatest motivator. 

Our clients see life with a new meaning because they see how fragile it is. They see how beautiful life is when you appreciate it. You can't get back what you lost, but you can make the most of what you have. So, if there is one thing my clients can pass onto everyone else, it is to keep pushing your limits. You will succeed if you master your mindset first. 


Russell Button
Connect with me
Dallas, Houston, and Midland Texas trial and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.
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