Stay tuned for our daycare series on how to find a safe daycare!
Our goal is to make sure parents are informed on what to look for when searching for a daycare. Our Texas daycare injury attorney knows it’s extremely hard to trust someone with your child, especially when they are complete strangers.
This daycare series will consist of 11 videos that will be posted weekly. The first video of this series can be found above. These videos can be found on our website or on our YouTube page.
The topics that will be covered in this series will range from questions to ask the daycare to small details you’ll want to notice as a parent.
We suggest you download our FREE Consumer Guide on safe daycares as well. They will go hand in hand. If you are interested in downloading your free copy follow the link provided below:
10 Tips For Parents Searching For A Safe Daycare
You can also request a hard copy that will be sent to your home free of charge.
We hope you enjoy this series and will be beneficial to you. If you know a family member or friend who is also looking for a free daycare, please let us know! You can reach us at 214-699-4409 or fill out our Contact Us web form. Our goal here at The Button Law Firm is to give free legal information to families so they can make great decisions.