Quick question: How many tabs do you have open right now on your computer? If you’re a ten-tab person, you know how euphoric it feels to close all of those windows at the end of the day. Sweet relief!
Here at The Button Law Firm, our team got to experience that same feeling this summer. In June, we officially consolidated all of our spreadsheets, data banks, and client information into a single place, closing every “tab” but one. Our last tab standing is the case management system PracticePanther (PP).
The Case Management System That Makes Everything Easier
Practice Panther streamlines our case information and makes everything easy, including creating documents, coordinating with the team, and communicating with clients.
“It took us from January to June to put everything together,” Russell remembers. The whole team chipped in on data entry, and attorney Ashley Washington created a manual for our customized version of PP.
“The most exciting part for me is being able to quickly review data from past cases,” Ashley says. “Let’s say we have a new case where we have filed a lawsuit and were assigned a judge. PP allows me to quickly search what other cases we have had in that same judge’s court so we know what to anticipate as far as the judge’s individual rules or needs.”
Practice Panther Makes our Legal Team More Informed and Effective
“We still haven’t even tapped into all of the perks that PP offers. I am still actively working on building out things to make the system even better. For example, we expect to have a fully functioning Client Portal running for all of our active cases by the end of the year. This will allow our clients to sign in to their portal and communicate with us through it,” Ashley says.
A New Way to Communicate With The Button Law Firm
Our whole team is really excited about this portal. Once it’s up and running, your emails will never get lost, and sending photos and records to us will be easy. You can upload those things directly from your portal after logging in, and they will automatically be added to your file.
Keep an eye on our website and in our Hot Button Issues newsletter for more updates on the portal and other ways Practice Panther will make your life easier!