DWI Wrecks Ruin Lives
At The Button Law Firm, we handle cases where we represent the injured victims in DWI wrecks. We take this passionately because they can be so easily prevented. In Dallas, we have the most wrecks involving an injury that are caused by drunk driving. There are many reasons why people choose to drive drunk. Some don't realize they have had too much to drink. Others didn't intend on drinking or drinking that much, and thus, didn't have an alternative plan to get home. Finally, some just don't care or think they can drive safely even when they are drunk.
Help Prevent By Protecting A Drunk Driver From Getting Behind The Wheel
We have the chance to positively influence someone's life every day. We often don't realize that our friends and loved ones are the people who could benefit from our help the most. When you experience a loved one that has drunk over the legal limit and is attempting to drive, that is the time to step in. There are a few things that you can do to help.
1. Designate a driver that will not drink. The most obvious solution is to put a sober driver behind the wheel. If you are the designated driver for the night, take your loved one's keys in order to make sure there won't be a question of who will be driving.
2. Call them an Uber or a Lyft. Whether you are with them or not, an Uber or Lyft is a better solution than your loved one getting behind the wheel. Be in contact with the Uber or Lyft driver through the app, and constantly track their location in order to ensure their safety. Lyft is based out of the Dallas area, with representatives standing by to assist.
3. Pick them up yourself. If you are not with them, be a good friend and make sure they get home safe. Have them share their location with you, and make sure they are in a safe place for pickup--- in public and around other individuals.
4. Sit down and discuss safer alternatives for the future. Make sure your friend knows that you are an option in times that they do not feel comfortable getting behind the wheel.
We have seen many clients who have been victims of drunk drivers. Don't let other drivers become another number. We need to ta
ke the initiative to make a change today.
Where Can You Learn More About Injury And Wrongful Death Claims Involving Drunk Drivers?
Download my free book! I specifically wrote The Essential Guide For Your Texas Injury Case to serve as a resource to help answer any questions you may have. You may not be ready to speak with an attorney or our firm, but I encourage you to utilize this free information in my book.
Where Can We Help?
If you or a loved one has been injured in a drunk driving incident, give us a call. We represent drunk driving victims from all over Texas, seeing cases in but not limited to Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and Midland. To learn more about our DWI Wreck cases.
One case at a time, we can create a community where a drunk driver is held accountable for the damage he or she caused. The criminal penalties should not be the only form of accountability - what about the damages the victims are left with? That is where we come in. Give us a call or email me at [email protected]. We are here for you.
Dallas: 214-699-4409
Midland: 432-203-0060
Houston: 281-857-6116