Parents Understand the Importance of Child Proofing a Space
As parents, you do everything you can to keep your child out of harm’s way. That might include child-proofing a space and keeping potentially harmful products, like inclined sleepers, away from your young children. Parents expect daycares to do the same.
The Dangers of Inclined Sleepers at Daycare
So today, we want to warn parents about the dangers of inclined sleepers at daycare. In recent years, many types of inclined sleepers have been recalled and pulled off the market because of the serious dangers they pose to infants. According to investigative reports, inclined sleeper devices have been linked to over 100 deaths involving babies.
An inclined sleeper is a device that positions babies to sleep at an angle - ranging from 10 degrees to 30 degrees. Danger can arise when the baby's chin is on their chest, potentially restricting the baby’s airway, and causing asphyxiation. Also, babies are often at risk of falling out of inclined sleepers when not properly strapped in and supervised. This can lead to different injuries like broken bones and head trauma. Daycares are required to keep up to date on all child safety product recalls and updated product information. Their ultimate responsibility is keeping kids safe.
If a daycare has an inclined sleeper that has been recalled, banned, or taken off the market, it’s their responsibility to remove that product from the daycare permanently. If they fail to do this, the consequences could be grave. If you want to learn more about what to look for in safe daycares, be sure to download our free guide, 10 Tips for Finding a Safe Daycare, linked here. And if you have more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experienced daycare injury law firm. We’re here to keep you and your family moving forward.