Playground where serious injuries to kids can happen. A Dallas mom depended on a daycare center to care for her toddler while working. Then, she noticed on two separate occasions that her daughter was injured. The first time, in November 2021, her daughter had cuts on her cheek. The daycare center did not provide the mother with an incident report, nor did they proactively tell her about her daughter being injured. Upon questioning, daycare workers told the mom the injury was caused by children throwing wood chips on the playground—something a worker could have easily prevented.  

Just two months later, in January 2022, a boy bit the little girl. It turned out that the boy was a “known biter” in her classroom. He used enough force to leave teeth marks on the girl’s arm. Again, this injury could have been avoided—either caregivers could have done a better job of closely supervising the children, or the boy who had previously bitten several children, including the girl in this case, could have been removed from the daycare. Once again, the mother never received an incident report from the daycare center about her daughter’s injuries.

As The Button Law Firm has done on other cases, our Dallas daycare injury attorneys teamed up with another firm to get justice for this hard-working mother and her daughter. Working together, the firms held the daycare accountable for this little girl’s injuries and for its multiple safety violations.

Dallas Daycare Safety Failures

Once The Button Law Firm and partner firm got involved, and the little girl’s injuries were properly reported to the state, the Texas Health and Human Services Commission’s Child-Care Licensing division conducted an independent investigation.

The investigation into the toddler’s first injuries (scrapes on her face) found that the daycare worker in charge of the classroom ran it “like a zoo.” The state’s strict childcare laws, also known as minimum standards, require caregivers to walk around a playground to ensure children are within their reach and not playing with anything that may cause injuries. The toddler’s injury could have been easily prevented if the worker followed the state’s safety procedures and stopped the children from throwing wood chips. In addition, the daycare violated another standard by not reporting the girl’s injuries to her mother or the state.

The same goes for the second injury that this little girl experienced. It, too, could have been prevented had the daycare and its workers followed the standards regarding the proper supervision of children and notifying parents when a child in their care was hurt.

A deeper dive into the Dallas daycare revealed that these were not isolated incidents. The childcare facility had a long history of violating the state’s minimum standards. More than 30 citations from the state over five years ranged from child-to-caregiver ratios exceeding the state’s limit and improper supervision of children in its care to failing to submit caregiver background checks. They also did not have an emergency preparedness plan or trained workers who would know what to do in an emergency. Plain and simple: This daycare ignored the importance of child safety time and time again.

Helping a Dallas Family Move Forward

The toddler, in this case, suffered psychological injuries because of the traumatic incidents. Her mother does not have the ability to stay home with her daughter, so the little girl had to be moved to a new environment with new caregivers and children. Her development greatly regressed—from a lively child to one dealing with anxiety, fear, and trust issues.

Through a partnership with another firm, our attorneys at The Button Law Firm ensured this Dallas daycare was held accountable for all wrongdoings. The little girl and her mom received a settlement to provide the resources needed to help the little girl heal and move forward.

More Helpful Information

For guidance on navigating the aftermath of daycare injuries, explore these articles. They offer valuable insights into understanding legal rights, addressing medical concerns, and ensuring your child's safety and well-being, providing the crucial information you need to handle such situations effectively.

How The Button Law Firm Can Help Your Family with a Daycare Injury Case in Texas

If your child was abused or neglected at daycare, contact our knowledgeable Texas daycare injury attorneys at The Button Law Firm. We are experienced in working on cases involving children, like this case where a young girl was hurt because of negligent daycare workers. Our attorneys will listen to you and your child to assess the situation and determine how a daycare failed to protect your child in its care. Our attorneys at The Button Law Firm are recognized on the prestigious Texas Super Lawyers list, and we can help guide you after a traumatizing incident involving your child. We work on contingency, meaning we don’t charge you or collect any upfront fees to get started on your case. Call us at 214-699-4409 or fill out a contact form below for a free consultation.

Russell Button
Connect with me
Dallas, Houston, and Midland Texas trial and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.

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