After I Make My Report to DFPS, Will They Notify the Daycare?

Though they may not call the daycare directly, DFPS will investigate the daycare to determine if there were any violations of the state’s minimum standards. This independent investigation is conducted to see if the state is able to detect violations and substantiate any allegations of abuse or neglect.

To conduct their investigation, the state typically visits the daycare in person to review records, interview children and caregivers, and search for any other signs of misconduct. When they arrive, they notify the staff of their reason for being there.  

Will I Need to Take My Child Out of Daycare if The Daycare Found Out I Reported Them?

Unfortunately, in our experience as a daycare injury lawyer team, daycares may sometimes retaliate against parents after finding out that they have been reported. This might mean that a daycare terminates an existing contract or agreement for childcare.

Thankfully, many parents we talk to have already removed their child from daycare immediately after an incident has occurred.

Russell Button
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Dallas, Houston, and Midland Texas trial and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.