As parents, you know that sun exposure can be harmful, especially for young children. Today we’re going to be discussing why it's vital for daycares to protect children from the sun's harmful rays, and what can happen when they neglect their responsibility. Daycare staff should be educated about the dangers of sun exposure and the importance of sun protection measures. Daycare facilities should have policies in place that require the use of sunscreen, protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses when children are outdoors, especially during peak sun hours.
Additionally, providing ample shade and encouraging frequent hydration are essential components of sun safety. The severity of sun-related injuries can vary, but even mild cases can lead to significant pain for your child. In rare cases, severe sunburns can progress to second—or third-degree burns, potentially resulting in permanent scarring.
An Example of a Sun Injury Case BLF Handled
I want to tell you a story about a case we worked on that dealt with these types of injuries. In 2023, an 11-month-old child experienced second-degree burns on both feet while under the responsibility of her daycare.
The facility had taken the child outside in 104-degree heat and allowed her to walk barefoot, causing burn injuries to the soles of her feet. This traumatic event could have easily been prevented by the daycare taking the necessary steps to ensure the child was wearing protective footwear.
Similarly to this case, if a daycare fails to implement adequate sun protection measures and your child suffers sun-related injuries as a result, the facility may be held liable for negligence. This could result in legal repercussions, including holding the daycare accountable for damages like medical bills or pain and suffering.
Learn More About What You Can Do If Your Child Suffered a Sun-Related Injury
To learn more about what steps you can take if your child suffered a daycare injury, be sure to download our free guide, 5 Steps to Take After a Daycare Injury. It’s linked here.
As parents, you have the right to expect that your child will be safe and protected while in daycare, no matter the season. Your child's safety is our top priority, and we're here to help you and your family keep moving forward.