SAN ANGELO, TX - In March 2021, a distressing incident unfolded at Trinity Lutheran School in San Angelo, leaving a family seeking answers and justice for their 4-year-old daughter. The incident, captured on surveillance footage, showed a daycare teacher engaging in unacceptable behavior towards the young girl. The dedicated team at The Button Law Firm has taken decisive action by filing a lawsuit on behalf of the family against the daycare. With unwavering commitment, we are standing by the family to seek justice and accountability for the wrongdoing they have endured.
What Happened at This Texas Daycare?
Surveillance recordings have revealed a sequence of events involving the teacher's behavior towards the child. This includes instances of verbal abuse, physical aggression such as pushing the child to the ground, and emotionally distressing actions like forcing her into a closet with the lights off. The situation escalated further when the teacher pretended to call the police in front of the preschool class, telling the child, “You are going to jail because you don’t listen” and “You’re going to get locked in the dungeon…and you’re not going to talk to your mommy and daddy,” worsening the child's distress. Additionally, the footage captured the teacher's mocking demeanor towards the child's cries for help while confining her in the dark closet.
“The appalling actions of a teacher terrorizing a preschooler, and the administrative decisions at Trinity Lutheran School that enabled this to happen, are deeply disturbing,” says the family’s attorney, Russell Button of The Button Law Firm. “We aim to hold those responsible at this school for the lack of care and unnecessary trauma experienced by our client’s young daughter while under their watch.”
How the Daycare Failed to Protect This Young Girl
Despite the supposed safeguards in place within Trinity Lutheran School, there was no intervention by the school’s leadership during this incident. In fact, according to the filed complaint, there was a video feed of this classroom that went directly into the school’s administration office. The failure to intervene not only allowed the abuse to continue unchecked but also added to the trauma inflicted upon the young girl.
As a result, the family is now seeking accountability for the severe emotional and psychological harm inflicted upon their child. They seek not only justice for their daughter but also assurance that such lapses in oversight will be addressed to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
The Button Law Firm's Response: A Commitment to Justice
In response to the events at Trinity Lutheran School, the family reached out to our team at The Button Law Firm to get help. With a focus on helping families after daycare abuse and neglect, our firm knew that we could help this family. Our experienced attorneys offer support and legal guidance as the family navigates this lawsuit against the daycare.
By filing a lawsuit against the daycare, our team at The Button Law Firm aims to make sure those who hurt this little girl take responsibility for what they did.
To read the whole complaint, click here.
How The Button Law Firm Works to Hold Negligent Daycares Accountable
At The Button Law Firm, we prioritize protecting the rights and well-being of children, particularly in cases involving daycare injuries. We understand the unique challenges and complexities that arise in these situations, and we are dedicated to providing compassionate support and legal representation to families in need.
When it comes to daycare injury cases, our firm takes a proactive approach to ensure that justice is served. We begin by conducting a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the injury, gathering evidence, and consulting with experts to assess liability and damages.
Throughout the legal process, we serve as staunch advocates for our clients, fighting tirelessly to hold negligent daycare providers accountable for their actions. We work to secure recovery for damages like medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other losses incurred as a result of the injury. We also strive to effect positive change within the daycare industry by raising awareness of safety issues and advocating for reforms.
Our team believes that every child deserves to be safe and protected, especially when entrusted to the care of others. That's why we are committed to fighting for what is right and ensuring that justice is served for families affected by daycare injuries. Together, we will work tirelessly until the family receives the resolution and closure they deserve.