Understanding the Most Common Burns at Daycare and How to Protect Your Child

Burns are one of the most painful and dangerous injuries a child can suffer, especially at daycare, where parents trust that their little ones are being cared for in a safe and secure environment. Unfortunately, incidents happen, and burn injuries are not uncommon. When daycares fail to follow safety protocols, the consequences can be devastating.

Our daycare and childcare injury lawyers will break down the most common types of burn injuries at Texas daycares, explore the daycare’s responsibilities in preventing these injuries, and explain what you should do if your child suffers a burn at daycare.

The Most Common Types of Burns at Texas Daycares

Bottle Warmer causes daycare burns

Bottle warmers are the number one cause of serious burns at daycare. These devices, which heat bottles with hot water or steam, can be extremely dangerous if not properly handled or stored. Daycares should have strict safety rules to keep bottle warmers out of children’s reach, with no hanging cords or exposed hot surfaces.

However, burn injuries can occur in other ways as well. Here are some of the most common types of burns that happen in daycare settings:

  1. Scalding Burns
    Like those caused by bottle warmers, scalding burns result from hot liquids or steam. If daycares do not carefully store or monitor these devices, scalding hot water can spill on children, causing severe burns that may require surgery or leave permanent scars. Even a moment’s lapse in supervision around a bottle warmer can lead to a catastrophic injury.

  2. Chemical Burns
    Chemical burns happen when a child comes into contact with harmful substances such as bleach, cleaning solutions, or other hazardous products. In daycare settings, these chemicals should be stored in locked cabinets, out of children’s reach. Unfortunately, accidents occur when chemicals are left out, improperly stored, or mislabeled, leading to dangerous exposure for children.

  3. Electrical Burns
    Electrical burns can occur if a child sticks their finger or an object into an uncovered electrical outlet or comes into contact with an exposed electrical cord. Texas state regulations require that outlets be covered and all electrical cords kept out of reach of children at all times. But when daycares fail to comply with these safety measures, curious toddlers can easily find themselves in harm’s way.

  4. Contact Burns from Hot Objects
    Hot objects, such as exposed metal or glass windows, can cause burns. This is particularly common in summer when temperatures soar and surfaces like windowsills, door handles, or playground equipment become extremely hot. A child touching a scorching surface can lead to a painful burn that might take weeks to heal. Daycares must ensure that hot surfaces are either out of reach or adequately cooled.

How Are Daycares Responsible for Preventing Burn Injuries?

It’s crucial for parents to understand that burns are entirely preventable in a properly supervised daycare environment. When a burn injury does occur, it’s often the result of a daycare cutting corners, ignoring safety guidelines, or failing to provide adequate supervision.

Daycares are responsible for ensuring the safety of all children in their care. This includes following state regulations regarding the storage of hazardous materials, maintaining safe and child-proof environments, and ensuring that potentially dangerous objects or substances are inaccessible to children.

Some of the specific responsibilities that daycares have to prevent burn injuries include:

  • Properly secure and store hot objects like bottle warmers and heating devices.
  • Covering electrical outlets and ensuring that cords are not within reach of children.
  • Storing hazardous chemicals in locked cabinets that are out of children’s reach.
  • Supervising outdoor play areas, ensuring that children do not come into contact with hot surfaces or objects.

When daycares fail to meet these basic safety standards, they put children at unnecessary risk of injury. If a burn does occur, it is often a sign that the daycare did not take the proper precautions to protect your child.

What to Do If Your Child Suffered a Serious Burn Injury at Daycare

If your child has suffered a burn injury at daycare, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and concerned about your child’s well-being. You may be wondering what steps to take next to ensure your child receives proper care and that the daycare is held accountable for its negligence.

Here’s what you should do if your child sustains a burn injury at daycare:

  1. Seek Immediate Medical Attention
    Burns can vary in severity, and some may require specialized treatment or even surgery. Make sure to get your child evaluated by a healthcare professional as soon as possible to prevent infection and ensure proper healing.

  2. Document the Injury
    Take pictures of the burn and any other evidence related to the injury. This might include taking photographs of the location where the burn occurred or gathering witness statements from daycare workers or other parents.

  3. Report the Incident
    Make sure the daycare documents the incident. It’s also essential to file a report with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), which oversees daycare facilities. They will investigate the incident and ensure the daycare is following all safety protocols.

  4. Contact a Daycare Injury Attorney
    If the burn injury was serious, or if the daycare was clearly negligent in its duty to keep your child safe, it’s essential to consult with an experienced daycare injury attorney. A lawyer can help you hold the daycare accountable, ensure a proper investigation is conducted, and work to get you and your child the compensation you deserve for medical expenses, pain, and suffering.

The Button Law Firm Can Help

At The Button Law Firm, we have extensive experience representing families whose children have been injured at daycare. Burn injuries can be life-changing, leaving both physical and emotional scars. Our Texas daycare injury lawyer team is dedicated to helping families get closure and move forward after these traumatic events.

If you’re ready to learn more about what steps to take after a daycare injury, download our free guide, 5 Steps to Take After a Daycare Injury. This resource will help you navigate the immediate aftermath of your child’s injury and provide you with valuable information on protecting your child’s rights.

Get a free consultation by calling us at 214-699-4409, emailing us at [email protected], or filling out a contact form. We’re here to help you and your family get the support and justice you deserve.

Russell Button
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Dallas, Houston, and Midland Texas trial and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.