Who is the Daycare Director, and What Does the Law in Texas Require of Them?
The Texas daycare minimum standards define the director as the adult designated by the company to be on-site and responsible for the daycare, including maintaining compliance with all of the other laws and standards set out by the state.
To put it simply, the daycare director is the captain of the ship, hired and designated by the owner to keep kids safe.
Texas Daycare Minimum Standards Explained
According to the law, the director must ensure:
The daycare and all of its employees must operate in compliance with the minimum standards. They must ensure the employees are qualified to care for children and trained to do their jobs.
- This means it is the director who must make sure that all employees pass background checks and meet the minimum requirements for age, education, and experience to work at a daycare. Check out our past videos to learn what those bare minimum requirements are.
The director is also responsible for making sure that all of the other employees are properly supervised.
- Supervision means that the director knows what employees are doing, how they are doing it, and that they are doing their job in a way that keeps kids safe.
Most importantly, the director is responsible for ensuring the overall safety of the children at the daycare
- This includes properly documenting children's allergies, tracking medications they may need throughout the day, making sure bottle warmers are properly stored and out of reach, and making sure the building itself is safe. For example, the doors are locked, and there is a controlled access point.
- Additionally, daycare directors must regularly inspect classrooms and ensure caregivers are continuing to provide a safe, nurturing environment for children to succeed.
If a daycare director fails to properly manage a daycare and its employees – children are the ones that ultimately pay the price. Poor management by a director can result in serious injuries or even death because of abuse and neglect.
It’s important that daycare directors continue to meet the requirements expected of them by the State of Texas. Good daycare directors should go above and beyond to ensure that the kids are safe and thriving.
Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with a Texas Daycare Injury Lawyer Today
If you have questions about what to look for in a daycare, how to spot the red flags of poor daycare management or your child has been injured as a result of a poorly managed operation, it is important you get answers quickly. Contact our Texas daycare injury lawyer team at The Button Law Firm for help. We offer free information and resources to parents like you so you can make the best decisions for your child and family.