You can give us a call at (214) 699-4409 or email us at [email protected]. You can also reach out to us by filling out the form below or by starting a chat with a member of our team.

How a Daycare Impacts the Safety of a Bounce House

Daycare centers that utilize bounce houses may have the ability to control some of these risks by implementing safety procedures and steps. For example, limiting the number of children in the house may help to provide a more controlled environment. Having someone constantly watch to ensure the children are safe during the experience may be another step to take.

Daycare centers also need to use the equipment as directed by the manufacturer—following all guidelines for setting it up, operating it, and overseeing its use. This may mean determining the safest place to set it up, ensuring there are numerous emergency access points if there is an accident, and monitoring weather conditions to ensure the area remains safe.

What to Do After a Daycare Injury

If a daycare injury occurs to your child, ensure they get the medical care they need as soon as possible. Then, document everything that occurred. 

The daycare center should be forthcoming with information about the accident, including witnesses present and what level of care was administered to your child. Gather any data they provide to you about the incident. 

Once your child is safe, you’ll want the help of a daycare accident attorney who can work to determine what happened and why. A lawyer will help you to determine who is to blame—which could be the daycare center, the manufacturer of the bounce house, or a third-party vendor.

Possible Damages in Your Child's Case

Those who have a case like this may have the right to compensation for their losses. Some of those losses may include:

  • Medical bills from the emergency care provided
  • Rehabilitation costs if needed
  • Hospital stay costs and other medical care provided on an inpatient basis
  • Medications needed
  • Physical therapy 
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Loss of use of limbs if applicable 
  • Wrongful death as a result of a child's injuries

Your attorney will work closely with you to determine the type and amount of compensation that may be owed in your child’s case. This is always dependent on what injuries your child suffered as a result of the bounce house accident. 

How and When to Contact a Daycare Injury Lawyer

Making the decision to get help is simply a must. Daycare centers that use bounce houses may be putting children at risk. Addressing these problems with your child now may help to protect other children. To do that, seek out the support of a daycare attorney.

Working with a daycare accident lawyer in Texas may provide you with an opportunity to discuss what occurred. They may be able to pursue additional evidence about how the accident occurred, get witness statements, and properly determine who is to blame for your child’s losses. 

You should reach out to an attorney as soon as possible. This may be during or after your child’s medical care is provided. Don’t settle with an insurance company until you speak to an attorney who can better tell you what losses you should claim and the process for doing so. 

The Button Law Firm is here for you if you’ve suffered losses due to your child’s injury at a daycare center. Don’t wait to contact us to learn more about your rights and the steps you can take today to seek out compensation for those losses. Contact us for a consultation. We’re here to support your needs. 

Contact The Button Law Firm if Your Child Was the Victim of a Daycare Injury

If your child was hurt due to a negligent daycare, you have options. Reach out to our team by calling (214)699-4409 or by filling out the contact form for a free case evaluation. You can also reach out to our team by starting a chat here

Russell Button
Connect with me
Dallas, Houston, and Midland Texas trial and personal injury lawyer dedicated to securing justice for clients.