Read our attorney’s blog posts about childcare center safety and what to do when those safety requirements are violated. You will learn about how children are commonly harmed in daycare centers and what you need to do to prove who caused the injury.
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The Importance Of Reporting Injuries at Houston Daycares to the State of TexasWas your child harmed at a Houston daycare? Learn the reasons why reporting the harm to the state is so important from Houston Daycare Attorney Russell Button.
Unqualified Plano Day Care Worker Caught on Live Camera Slamming Child To Floor To Get Toddler To SleepThe Children’s Courtyard in Plano allowed a dangerous employee to be around kids. The toddler was slammed down to nap.
Spring, Texas Four Year Old Slammed by Caregivers at DaycareIn Spring, Texas, an unqualified daycare employee working at Children’s Lighthouse slammed a child down on her face causing massive injuries. How could this have been prevented? Learn more from the daycare injury attorneys at The Button Law Firm.
Michigan Daycare teacher involved in a lawsuit after taping a special needs woman's mouth shut, claiming that she would not be quiet.Daycare facilities have systems in place to keep dangerous individuals away from our children. However, broken systems leave our kids in dangerous hands.
8-Month-Old Baby Dies At Daycare CenterHow many preventable injuries and deaths should be allowed to happen before a daycare is held accountable? Read this to find out more.
Two Very Important Things to Look at When Researching Daycares for Your ChildChoosing a daycare can be overwhelming. Read this article to learn about the top two things to look into when you are choosing the daycare for your child.